Thanksgiving 2022

I don't really know what to say. This is us, right? Me, my mom, sister, and dad, circa 1980 or so. I think it was taken at my dad's brother's house down the street, around Christmas time. I don't think any of us knew what we were doing. We were lost in different moments of existence, and my face especially reveals that: I'm clowning my disdain. I'm doing a schtick next to my mom, probably because she just said to smile, or maybe that she loves me. I never really knew how to act outside of reacting. I don’t know how to put it. I never felt comfortable. I never felt like I could relate. I never felt like I was there. A part of things. There's no other way to verify these feelings outside of just saying I don’t really remember this day but I remember the feeling. It's one that connects me to myself. I feel alienated from most everything I am a part of. It's just something...