Best of...

Wanted to pull together the little movie reviews I do on Facebook into one post, a "best-of" from last year. By the way, these little things are like crosswords for me. I love trying to compress all I feel about each movie into a tiny paragraph/package. It's like making a poem. Every word has to count, every feeling justified. So here are movies from 2023 I truly loved haiku-ing about: MAY/DECEMBER: One of the the best movies of 2023 from what I can tell. MAY DECEMBER is slippery and arch and gentle and crazy and cinematic and trivial and just incredible. Todd Haynes has worked for 30 years to get this elegant and this primal. He planted the seed with SAFE back in 1995 with the divine and even diviner now Julianne Moore: satire pulsing with tenderness, mean-spirited glazed irony with a sad exhausted loving soul at the center. This one takes its cue from tabloid lives but then uses all of it to inspire a sort o...